Entries by Harriet Schwartz

New book published!

When I was a doctoral student learning about research methods, I never imaged that I would eventually co-author a methods book! I am thrilled to share that APA has published Essentials of Constructivist Critical Incident Technique. This step-by-step research guide introduces readers to CIT and provides the first full articulation of a constructivist approach. CIT […]

Working on a new book!

Hi All! I’ve been quiet for awhile — busy working on a new book! I’m delighted to share that I have been collaborating with Elizabeth Holloway, PhD on a book for the APA Essentials in Qualitative Methods series on Critical Incident Technique. We just submitted the manuscript and are awaiting feedback. Stay tuned,

“An inspiring discussion” with Harriet Schwartz – more on teaching and relationships

Dr. Harriet Schwartz of Antioch University discusses her recent book, “Connected Teaching: Relationship, Power, and Mattering in Higher Education”. Most faculty spend a significant part of their lives interacting with students. Dr. Schwartz’s book reminds us that so much of teaching is about moments with students. These moments can be brief or extended, but these […]

Harriet Schwartz on Relational Cultural Theory and Mentoring

Join Harriet Schwartz as she talks mentoring and Relational Cultural Theory with Michelle Thomas and Ashley Wineland of The Mentoring Partnership of Southwestern Pennsylvania in this episode of MentorChat. “You know those powerful moments you have with someone, maybe a mentee or someone you’re advising or coaching and you can almost feel it – they’re […]

Harriet Schwartz featured on ThinkUDL podcast

“ThinkUDL is a podcast about Universal Design for Learning where we hear from the people who are designing and implementing strategies in post-secondary settings with learner variability in mind. Join host, Lillian Nave, as she discovers not just WHAT her guests are teaching, learning, guiding and facilitating, but HOW they design and implement it, and WHY it even matters!” In […]

Harriet L. Schwartz named Professor of Relational Practice and Higher Education, Antioch University PhDLC

Harriet L. Schwartz will return to her PhD alma mater, Antioch University’s PhD in Leadership and Change program, to serve as Professor of Relational Practice and Higher Education, beginning in July. Harriet is the first alum hired by the program in a full-time faculty role. In a recent interview in the program newsletter, Harriet commented, […]

Harriet Schwartz presents Excellence in Teaching keynote

Harriet L. Schwartz, PhD, presented the Simmons University 2021 Spring Keynote on Excellence in Teaching on April 6, via zoom. Through this interactive keynote session, Dr. Schwartz provided an introduction to Relational Cultural Theory and engaged with Simmons faculty to explore questions such as how do we teach relationally in a pandemic, and what is […]

Connected Teaching Faculty Book Clubs, Keynotes, and More

Hi All! I’ve had the pleasure of several engaging conversations about Connected Teaching in the past few weeks and more are coming up soon (all virtual of course)! Earlier this month I visited with Dr. Lisa Moore’s RCT and Feminist Theories class at the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration. These students have […]

Connected Teaching recommended for student affairs practitioners

I’m thrilled that student affairs practitioners are picking up Connected Teaching! I worked in student affairs for many years before moving over to a faculty track and so I know that my student affairs experience shapes my thinking and practice. I have drawn on Connected Teaching to present staff development programs for student affairs practitioners […]