Faculty Development Workshops • New Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistant Development • Faculty Book Club
Faculty Development Workshops • New Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistant Development • Faculty Book Club
Virtual Faculty Book Clubs are a great way to continue to stay connected with your peers and continue sharing ideas during this time of remote teaching. Harriet can help facilitate discussions and meet virtually to discuss Connected Teaching.
We are able to offer group discounts on books purchased through Routledge Tayor & Francis Group.
Workshops and other faculty development programs can be tailored for new faculty, graduate teaching assistants, experienced faculty, or a general audience.
Selected Presentations & Workshops:
“Harriet enjoys engaging with small groups of faculty and graduate students, virtually and in-person (schedule-permitting). She welcomes virtual opportunities to visit faculty and graduate student book clubs and other working groups, and TA development programs and classes on qualitative research methods. Harriet also enjoys podcast interviews.